Simon Farnell

Name: Simon Farnell
Whatsapp : +44 7779 353524
Discipline: Life Drawing
email: driftwood.art1@gmail.com
website: www.greenviewstudio.live
My passion is figure drawing from life and I am regularly attending life drawing sessions working with different media . On line resources are also useful references.
No formal training but I have attended various master-classes and skills sessions and have brought something away from each which is very gratifying.
What more can I say, I love it and hope that this comes across in the artwork.
I have had my work exhibited in St Ives, selected for the School of Art 'Sloop Inn' show and at the St Ives Art Club members exhibition, also previously at the St Agnes Art Society show.
More recently I have exhibited at The Poly in Falmouth as part of a group exhibition with life drawings and also selected for the Spring Open and summer members exhibitions.