St Ives Arts Club Theatre Terms and Conditions
The theatre is available to Members to hire,
subject to the following terms and conditions:
The hire charge is £10 per hour or 25% of ticket sales, whichever is the greater. A £50 non-refundable deposit is payable when the booking is confirmed.
A condition of hire is that you must provide a £1 discount on ticket sales to Arts Club Members.
An evening is usually considered as 3 hours.
There is a maximum audience capacity of 65, less if seated at tables.
The Club has PA, lighting, CD and Digital projection facilities. You must provide your own technicians or negotiate a private contract with our Light and Sound Operator. Training is available.
You must point out the exits available in case of fire and announce the no smoking policy before the performance. The emergency exit (below the lighting box) must be opened during performances.
You must provide your own front of house staff. A Club member must be on the door.
Please contact the House Manager (07798 564 121) if you wish to arrange rehearsals (normally no charge).
The Club is not licensed to sell alcohol, but customers may bring their own
You may use the Agnes Naylor room at no extra charge for serving light refreshments, but a member must be present to steward at any time this room is unlocked. If there is an exhibition in the Agnes Naylor room, please respect the exhibits. Do not move exhibits without first consulting the exhibitor.
On your departure, please leave the premises as you found them :
Turn down heating/ Close Agnes Naylor door/Shut fire door to Theatre / Turn all lights off including backstage lights /Ensure Technical Equipment is restored to default state (see instructions in Club)
Events must end and the building be secured by midnight. Please exit quietly!
An Event Return Form must be completed and submitted to the Club at the end of the event. The Event Return Form can be found in the Bookings section of the Website or is available from the Club.
Theatre Booking Procedure
Please ensure that you have paid your membership fees for the current year. You must be a paid up member to make a booking.
Refer to the Bookings Calendar for Agnes Naylor Room or the Theatre to check that the dates you want are available.
Complete the online form and pay the hire charge within 2 weeks
Alternatively, print, complete and return the PDF booking form, sign to confirm you have read the conditions of hire, enclose a deposit cheque for £50 per event booked made payable to ‘St Ives Arts Club’ and send to the Arts Club.
Facilities will only be confirmed as booked, once the booking request and payment have been received and processed. You will be contacted with confirmation of the booking.
Further information
If you have a technical query/need to view the premises, contact the House Manager on 07798 564 121.
You must arrange your own publicity, but it’s in the interest of the Club to help you where possible.
Therefore please send details of your exhibition/event to editor@stivesartsclub.org for inclusion in the monthly newsletter (deadline is the 20th of each month) and also to chrisoreillyart@gmail.com for publication on the Club’s website.
Any posters supplied to us will be displayed at the Arts Club and at our regular advertising points.
If you supply a press release to us, we will forward it to local newspapers.
A key to the Arts Club will be supplied for your use. You will be asked to sign for it and pay a deposit of £20. After your event, please return the key as soon as possible, and your deposit will be refunded in full.
Contacts for bookings or any problems
Booking Manager: Chris O’Reilly m: 07715 409 518
House Manager: Steve Litherland m: 07798 564 121
e: stivesartsclubbooking@gmail.com
e: swmlitherland@btinternet.com