St Ives Arts Club - Exhibition Room - Terms & Conditions 2023
The Exhibition Room is available to all paid-up Members to hire for private exhibitions, subject to the following terms and conditions:
You must have paid your membership subscription before making a booking.
Only paid-up members of the Arts Club are eligible to exhibit in the Exhibition Room.
Members may book the following calendar year, after the previous 1st October, on a first come basis.
Individual Members may initially book ONE WEEK ONLY.
If members wish to form a small group (eg 2-3 members) then they may book up to TWO WEEKS maximum.
From 1st November, members may book a second week, if there is availability.
The hire charge for the exhibition room is £100 per week PLUS 30% of all sales made.
Where two weeks are booked by a small group, then the hire charge is £200.
The £100/£200 hire charge is paid at booking or within TWO WEEKS of booking.
The £100/£200 hire charge is non-refundable and non-transferable. There may be circumstances (eg accident or illness) where cancellation by the member is unavoidable. In these circumstances we will try with your help, to re-hire the room, but if the week is not rebooked a refund will not generally be forthcoming. We will also not accept a cancellation and roll over to a future date unless or until the original week is rebooked.
The booking week starts on a Friday at 6:00pm and finishes on the following Friday at 4:00pm – the two hour gap is for exhibition take down and repairs to walls, if needed, by the previous exhibitor.
Al bookings should be made online. Simply follow the links on the website to the MEMBERS AREA and click the green button BOOK A ROOM. The password to the Members Area is BorlaseSmart
Please note, payment for booking is due within 14 days of booking online. If payment is not received within this timescale, we will cancel the booking and open up the week for other members to book. However, if you have any problems with this timescale please email the booking manager.
During exhibitions a paid-up Club Member must be in attendance at all times.
Regular events take place in the Club and any Arts Club related information must be left in place and not hidden away.
During theatre productions, the Exhibition Room may be used for serving refreshments.
Member should avoid damage to the walls. Only white tack (not blue tack) should be used on the walls.
No nails or screws to be used in the walls or boards. Please use the time after your event to make good any damage.
Please record all sales on the Sales Record Sheet provided. An Aide Memoire is available for all exhibitors.
Please use the ‘sum-up’ point of sale machine wherever possible. Please try to avoid taking cash.